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.Wednesday, May 26, 2010 ' Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Y

Since my last post alot has gone on..
Aaron threatened to move out twice and he was pretty close to leaving to the point where he had all his stuff packed and he had his friend picking him up but he gave it up because he wanted to work things out with me.
I wish he would stop hurting me if he ends up staying because Im tired of getting hurt and to be honest its killing our love well at least my love for him. Seriously it got physical yesterday and It just ripped my heart to bits. I hope we stop fighting because I dont know how much longer i can handle it. But everything seems to be good today so far Aarons at work and Im just chilling at home..I told my friend Shannon about that girl today she was really shocked and a little weirded out but she seemed to take it okay...Im kinda wishing now i had never told her because it might change things but tis honestly that big a deal i just wanted to tell her cause I thought she would like to know..

.Thursday, May 20, 2010 ' Thursday, May 20, 2010 Y

What next?
Im freaking out because everyday just gets worse and more confusing...
First of all I think I might be in love with a girl...
Its really weird I know cause I have never felt like that before towards a girl like of course I have kissed a girl before everyone has but not like this...
Im constantly checking her facebook profile and I when i saw her today for the first time my heart was on fire...
I havent felt that in such a long time...
But this just makes things utterly worse for me because I still have Aaron...
And she has a girlfriend and I dont even know if I want her like that yet...or if I end up wanting her if she will me back?
Uggh...too many unanswered questions...
And aaron...i dont know it feels like we drifting apart...I just feel like hes tired of putting up with me..
Like sometimes we have our moments where i feel like i still love him the same but most of the time we just forget we are together we are just off doing our own things...
It makes me sad and I just put it off cause I dont want to think about it
I just go on hoping things will fix themselves..
But I know they wont
On top of everything I seem to be having fucked up dreams...
They scare the shit out of me worse then any dream and i wake up and want Aaron but I know hes asleep I tired to wake him up last night cause I was petrified but he just rolled over he claims he doesnt remember,,
Whatever,,Anways thats how my lifes going...
Post Later

.Wednesday, May 19, 2010 ' Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Y

Okay so this is the photo I said i was gonna post on my last post? It doesnt show my bottom much just my top...I have alot more but I dont think i will post them on here prob just my website:)

. ' Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Y

So today just sucks..
monkey balls..
the last couple of days actually..
I feel like shit everything hurts or is broken...
And Aaron has been gone the last two days all day :(
Hes been working his ass off..
it makes me saad but i know he has too
My mom came into today after wok and gave me shit about stuff like the kitchen and aaron paying her rent...
And its like omg I know all this already get out of my room!
And on top of everything I have barely eaten all day because im craving stuff that my mom doesnt even buy..
I guess i shouldn't have gotten so used to the food at Aaron's house...
But it was sooo good:(
anyways I dont even know what we are having for dinner tonight but it better be comfort food because im hungry..
But you know what one thing is thats really annoying...
Being hungry when sick...like honestly?
Those two just dont go together..
And thats how i feel right now...
Anyways thats all for now..
Post later

.Tuesday, May 18, 2010 ' Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Y

So I know I haven't posted in a couple days..
but theres alot going on...
Aaron got a job working for a company that works for other companys I think..
I unno...
But I don't care as long as its a job...
He seems pretty happy with it too which is good..
And its funny because hes has to wear dress clothes to work cause hes working with the mangers..
And when he left this morning boy did he look smexci ♥
Anyways so now Im alone till 9 tonight..
Which I hate being alone because then its like I dont know what to do with myself..
Just waste my life away on the computer for the next 7 hrs?
I was thinking about throwing a special dinner for him tonight,
like with candles and I was gonna go by him a rose..
with what money I have left...
It is kinda my fault though considering a bought a new outfit yesterday...its really pretty..
I will post a picture later..

.Friday, May 14, 2010 ' Friday, May 14, 2010 Y

So Im new to this blogging site...
I was originally on piczo but i got tired of it..
My website is still on there but I'm transferring my new blog on to Blogger...
i just think that piczo gets kind of boring after a while...
And a little frustrating:P
But yeah...I guess a little bit about me?
Well my name is Emma Earle, middle name Chantelle and I was born in Ontario...
Yup im Canadian haha..
but nothing special really,
My boyfriend, Aaron is from Winnipeg MB,
Don't ask how we met, long story...
but we have been together 5 months on the 24th of May...
And I know this will sound like something you hear all the time..
But I really think we are going to be together forever just because we have been through so much together and we are really strong now because of it...
Just the distance and all the obstacles we are overcome...
We are living together now...and yes dont worry this isnt like one of those really lame over the internet relationships you hear about..
I think those are so jokes:P haha

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Behind the MaskY

Emma Chantelle
I can't live without music and Im gonna love you until the day I die♥

Craving ATMY

New Clothes:P
You forever
No problems


All Time Low
We the kings
Escape the Fate
You Me at Six

Other PagesY

MY Website
Blogger Home Page


Brushes:Adobe Photoshop, x x
Leave the credits alone, thanks :D